A Brand New Order? Russell Branded 4Life


 Russell Brand, Space Jesus, the Untold Story! Exclusive insights from the Soul Realm.

The first time I saw  Gemini Russell Edward Brand, was on Netflix NYC stand up (2009).

Sure, he was handsome, funny, ironic, well dressed (GAWTHIC) and quite a fully blown character. The thing I noticed most, was his symbology. The stage looked like a Bollywood Brothel (MOULIN ROUGE ‘Victorian meets India’), complete with a statue of one of my Personal Gods, GANESH! What in the world, is a stand up comedian doing with a HINDU GOD, and Mala beads? Is that a Tattoo? Is that Radha and Krishna?! Who is this Guy?! After listening to the show, I was very confused. Sometimes Russell sounded like an Enlightened Yogi, explaining the Kosmos to kindergartners… and at other times, like a street whore heroin addict.

Russell Brand’s star began to Dominate America, and I was exposed to him quite often. The Gemini, double faced, trickster energy was not New to Me… and he had it in spades (Swords/WhiteDog). This character was pulling a fast one, yet I was Still Fascinated. I drank his Kool-aid, because it was MINE to begin with. Somehow I felt, maybe, he was TAKING MY JOB!

The 1960’s and 1970’s saw Many Guru’s burst onto the ‘Entertainment’ scene. The most famous in pop culture would be the BEATLES Maharishi. Story Time Kids!

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare “HAIR” Play + Film Musical! “THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS” the Omen of our Hippy Ancestors.



Image result for BEATLES Maharishi

Many religious ORDERS are set up by people who Desire Power over others, “DOMINION”, to ‘Rule’ through manipulation. This “SERVICE TO SELF“, a glitch in the Ego, is a major sickness. Power Structures are PARASITIC in nature. Power structures of divide and conquer, ARE the MATRIX we live in, survival of the fittest (most evil). The Good do not “get ahead”, they die slaves.

Image result for social engineering sociology

THANK YOU NAZI SCIENTISTS, for “Perfecting” Modern Psychology & Human Manipulation. Tall Grey White Supremacist Aliens. (Project Paperclip)

Power structures involved in Socially Engineering the Entertainment industrial complex in the 1960’s and 70’s included the C.I.A., MI5/6 & Black Creatures from Beyond the Veil. Jim Jones Kool-aid Ranch has been proven to have been a 100% CIA OP. Patty Hurst? That too. LSD was slipped to Unknowing patients by Doctors for Experiments, then they began to dose the public without disclosing.

Please Understand, I am speaking in Fact. TruthStream Media Presents “THE MINDS OF MEN”, the Proof Pasta of #MKUltra and much more! *TRIGGER WARNING*


Gays fought, Blacks Fought, Unions Fought, Bra’s were BURNED. John Lennon fought for Citizenship + PEACE, was shot by Henry Kissinger (a Drone did it/RedBookCode). Polanski killed his wife, But Manson was Blamed… all that and so much more, YES. So tell “THE MEN ON THE CHESSBOARD” to F*ck off, Alice. The ISSUE with our Hippy Ancestors, was Sex & Codependency. Not able to learn those lessons, most SOLD OUT for $$$$. And passed the Buck (not money) to Our Generation X.





Many Eastern schools, along with MOST Western schools are now, 100% Corrupted in this time, the now, the Kali Yuga. We are in the Time of False Prophets! Secret Societies Set up Private Clubs, for everything horrifying, Including taking over the World. #NWO The Theosophical Society, force tranced (hypnotized) little girls, projecting them into Hell (4th Dimension), for remote viewing (psychic spying) on their enemies. This society went on to Design the Public school system, the United Nations, and Lucifer Trust. (Order of the OWL:Batman GOTHAM) KrishnaMurti was to be raised by the “Society” as THE NEW MESSIAH, He caught onto their Game, and Disbanded the Order!


Did Russell Brand get picked up by a renegade Socialist group of Theosophists?? A man who has succumbed to the demon of addiction, is an open invitation for all manner of darkness. “Is this a case of Possession?” Asks the Ghostbusters in my mind.

Was Russell Brand poised to be Our Generation X’s “Hollywood” Messiah? #SPACEJESUS Was his marriage with Katy Pery arranged, like so many others? (Love Bite by Eve Lorgen) “You’re An Alien” Yeah… Really, Subtle Record corporation. “I AM JESUS” Aldous Snow, played by Russell Brand. I do know one thing… If you want to see Russell’s ego/subconscious, watch GET HIM TO THE GREEK“, it’s all there in it’s glorious/gory splendor. I believe the film was written by an intuitive who could see right through the Mask, into the heart of the matter.

When Russell got sober, he Torched his entire false world, left Hollywood, and went back home to England. From there a Revolution started within him. I can see how this was a Natural Progression, of the FOOL on the Hero’s journey. He found Power is Meaningless, yet he keeps forgetting that too. He came out LASHING at all Things “FAME” and “VAPID”, Renouncing IN THEORY, the MATERIALIST world. He may argue, you have to change the System from within. I would AGREE, WITHIN YOURSELF, dude. Masking and Fronting, with some generosity to look good (like the ROYALS do) ~ Just did Not Cut it. And Russell Brands Revolution FAILED. We blame a politician that came on his show, and got him to Choose a side. Yet it was clear Russell was never Healthy enough to Be that man he played on TV. Was he a Moth crushed under the Wheel?

“We Both Reached For The Gun!” I swear *Wink* II

I have seen strong flashes of a Ravenous desire in the Brand to be a world leader. He was very pleased with, the intellectual accolades, so much so, he began to go to college and created an Academic podcast “Under the Skin“. I was excited, due to the way the show was billed. Spirituality, consciousness, alternative healing, you know, the sun and the moon type promises. The reality became, the “Branded” media platforms are used in the guise of alternative viewpoints, when the guests are all from the same old privileged pool of people. Fake Alternative Chat. I am no longer stimulated by the banter. I was a fan of “The Trews” and enjoyed the idea of the cafe + buying out “The Sun” newspaper. Since the “Revolution“, I no longer resonate with the message of the “Brand”. I caught Russell on Larry King, in one of his new INSANE clown sweaters. Larry asked ‘pointedly’ + ‘jokingly’ if Russell used his OWN MONEY to fund the charity persuits. Russell ‘Guffawed’, and looked Larry in the eyes, “OF COURSE NOT!” A materialistic, a**hole joke, at our emotional expense. Aries Moon, sick with little Emperor syndrome (Just like Trump/ inverted Mars energy) Russell now, seems auto-mated, like an ATM. A poster boy, for bad fashion and worn out ideals. Symbolically or “Brand” wise, Russell went from Goth to Gandhi ~ and now isn’t even BATDAD! Now-a-days, he may as well be a clone, of his former self. 100% Branded.


I DIRECTLY PLACE BLAME OF THE MAN BUN + BEARD SQUARELY ON ‘THE BRANDS’ SHOULDERS! ~ Buddha was the first to Rock the ManBun, and BODHISATTVA’S have been doing it ever since. Please Shave, in symmetry with the manbun! If you want to be a Crossdresser, ‘transgender’ Just do it! Don’t try to be both/and. BlurredLines

Point: John Lennon had Yoko Ono ~ Lord & Lady ~ Old Mystery School

Image result for john and yoko nude

 JESUS + MARY 1970’s Style

“How Long shall they Kill Our Prophets, While we Stand aside and Look?” Bob Marley.   Well Bob… they just raise false ones now… the real ones don’t get the chance.

Was Russell’s career just a Psy-Op to be a place holder, for something we no longer have? World Teachers. Part of Social engineering is to Re-Fabricate Archetypes, for each new Generation of idiots. My Mom’s Alice Cooper, became my Marilyn Manson, who is now any number of Carbon Copy soul sold’ miscreants. These are TERRORS manifest in full Archetype on our Collective stage of life. WHO keeps VOTING for these Same Crap storylines? The New World Order does. And they are the ONLY vote that counts. “It’s a Small Club, and YOU AIN’T IN IT!” George Carlin.


The ‘Famous’ ~ that pass for “World Teachers” today, is Laughable to the Seasoned Occultist/Buddhist/Mystic/GoddessEmanation. Deep pockets Chopra’s son, ‘GOTHAM‘, threw him under the bus in an ‘expose “Decoding Deepak“. I see the rainbow myriad of Brainwashing tricks a mile away. Slight of Hand, Slight of Mind, Slightly outta Money?? I have owned two #Occult bookstores, and I know a Carpetbagger when I see one. Most will admit they are LIARS, behind closed doors, well … they did to me anyway (Wonder Woman’s Lasso?) Russell is Always Sycophanting those DEEMED wise by Culture.

A lil Twitter War with DEEP POCKETS CHOPRA ~


Deepak Tweeted: An authentic fraud lives to be caught ! Then the true self shines. Rakesh thanks for outing me !!

OccultPriestess: I felt, you were caught, Perfectly.. in “Decoding Deepak”. A cornucopia of errors. Gotham

Deepak: Deciding Deepak was a gift from my son ! Paradox ambiguity contradiction are the essence of our being. Failure to recognize this leads to neurosis.

OP (OG): Yes admitting error is divine. Forgetting how to meditate, when this is the advice you give everyone, is neurotic. Psychology and Western science work for the #Ego. Who is your Guru/Lineage?


Deepak also said He is ESSENTIALLY FLAWED and has ACCEPTED THIS about Himself, and unless others are ALSO FLAWED, they are Neurotic. Man O Man! That ego is Epic! Super rich, snake oil jerk. Science is based on 5 senses. If all you know, are the five senses, you have very little sense. Why does he try and pass for a spiritual guru? $$$$


“Where did you get your Information from? Do you think you can Front when Revelation Comes?” Beastie Buddhist Boys




I have been Behind the Curtain in the Los Angeles New Age / UFO community for the past two years. I admit I am one for Hero Worship, a throw back to  my ancient Greek soul self. If someone claims to be THOR, I am going to believe them, because I myself talk to Thor. Yet I have found, in the MECCA known as California… it’s All Smoke/Mirrors and Sorcery (black magick), Service to Self, egoistic, lost souls. I have not one friend in this God forsaken town. I am used to making new friends all the time, it’s a ME thing.. but not Here! Lost Angels. I will say, my clients do rock though!

During my tour in NAM, I mean Lost Angels, I mean Los Angeles Cali-Pornia…

I Met Russell Brand, for the first time, In the Flesh.

I had been Astral Coun’soul’ing Russell, since I met him “Upstairs” introduced by Joseph Campbell. The events of our first meeting, and his subsequently following my advice (get a divorce), I understood I was actually helping grow this mans soul, from an invisible place. Since those first encounters, I saw him torch his life, and start a Revolution.. and I let go. It’s not healthy to be helping someone who does not know you are there. It messed with me. I still had to pop in once and a while, as he adjusted… then he made some choices that were against my advice, and I again, hung up the psychic telephone.

My Chat Show Starring MAGENTA PIXIE of the U.K.: “Soul Visitations with Celebrities”


One night Hermes, my spirit guide tells me, I am going to meet Russell Brand soon. Hermes guided me in drawing out art, to describe the how’s and why’s of this development. Synchronicity after synchronicity, from the first drawing to shaking Russell’s hand, was 2-3 months. Hermes (my Spirit Guide) gave me details, of this future event, as a FAITH building exercise. I’ve been in L.A. 2 years and have not seen 1 A-list Celeb. Meeting Russell was HIGHLY UNLIKELY in my mind. This was Faith I would have to Ride like a Silver Surfer on Mercury… there was NO EVIDENCE. I prepared myself, and my wardrobe, dedicating my limited budget to Faith Plank Walking.

FIRE WALKER: “True Faith” New Order

Does HERMES have the MOVES LIKE JAGGER?? I had to Wonder and JUST TRUST.


With the Encouragement of my Astrologer… I did a bit more than spend money, and hope for the best. I expressed my side of the coin, through a video. If Russell really was my soul client… would he “SEE” me? Would he be taken by my spiritual aura, and feel spiritually motivated to know me, work with me, go for his own deeper healing or assist my mission? One Ponders, then one Wonders.. then one CREATES. I have only recently Understood the method of “Controlling the Narrative“.. this was not control, but an expressed sense of Dread and Hope on film.

(Since then ^^ I have been on several radio shows, and made some wicked kewl connections in my field.. oh yes, and MONEY, lol!) 

THE EVENT: To the very moment of the Event, it looked like a quick ‘How’s your Father?’ book lecture, from a remote point on a stage. Yet! Due to TRAVEL (Mercury) issues, Russell was late, and agreed to Sign Autographs as penance. Hermes calls this “PROOF PASTA” (See that cup… he left it behind. I did NOT take it home, and give the DNA to FREEMANTV.com, just saying,~ not a stalker! That was a real option. lol. )




Look at this “KID“- I took pics of this “PLANT” because I figured GOD would reveal the JOKE to me LATER. exploitative NAZI DR. Is this Kid  ALSO this Kid??



Long line, weird people… oh right most of them are addicts or in recovery.. I forgot. Protection Shields up. One night with the King, was like 2 seconds and a Picture. What do you say to Someone, you know, better than they know themselves? “I AM A MESSENGER”…  yup, that’s what She Said! And what did He say? “NO TIME FOR THAT RIGHT NOW” very sternly actually… a bit weird too. I saw him hug, and kiss, and love all over people.. but me? I was like threatening?! What? Oh he had a long stressful day.. blah blah, NO He treated me Differently. His Handler was not nice either. I would think peddling Recovery would require Nice-ness.

Creepy “Handler” on the Left. 



Photographic Evidence of Proof Pasta. October 2017, Los Angeles.




I hung back, waited, listened to Hermes, then my time came. Russell was all alone, about to hit a door that would lead him straight out of America.. so I Jumped. I felt time stop, as I crossed the room, my energy busted through invisible barriers, like Trinity in the Matrix (Magick). I grabbed for his hand. He looked at my hand Alarmed… he thought I was grabbing for his Crotch! Oh My! That says a LOT about him, and nothing about me. I called him “Brother”, as to deflect his sexual freaky projection (Lilith??). “I have a message for you…” He cuts me off, shuts me down and says The Magickal Key- Pray for Me Three Times. With that he was Vapor.


“Load up on guns, bring your friends
It’s fun to lose and to pretend
She’s over-bored and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word!” ~ Co-Bane Missionary GRL 

I had been ‘praying’ for him, over 8 years. But he would not Hear me. Many other Invisible “Psychic” experiences happened to me that night, and the following week. Honestly his soul is my friend, even if his ego is blind. This was a destined meeting, past life karma and energy exchange mission, I have found, they are not usually pleasant. I did not read my autographed copy of the book. I could have written it, myself, when I was 29. (See My Youtube for RECOVERY videos)

In the soul realm, I still deal with Russell’s soul (Higher Self), yet I am not bound to help his ego self without his free will/participation. That is all I will reveal about that. 

Coming Across the Video below, prompted this Bloggy-wog. I have had this topic in my mind for many years, content to keep my mouth shut… until this Rod Serling Kid started making WAY too much sense. I usually sit on my golden eggs, until a Human has discovered the issue, then I can talk about it.

In the Beginning, the man talks about Archetypes and Avatars… This is ME. I am Kore/Persephone of Ancient Greece. (Search my blog) Then the man Compares what EGO does with this Role! BOOM! Light! Like a Bolt of Lightening I understood…



HATERZ: Yes I am CLAIMING I know more than Most Staged Teachers of our times. Why am I not Famous? Because, you have to sell out, and I literally physically can not do that. I have been “poor” my entire life, in service to others. This is VERY difficult for the Western mind to comprehend. What is a Successful poor person? I am. Spiritual GOLD will kick the Ass of Fools gold, any Yuga! So in the ways it Counts, I am richer than TRUMP(ets). (See My Resume)

Quick To DEAD THE BULL ~ Like a Matador! 

Unicorn Gores Red Bull 

You can Do It Mina!

How Wuthering Heights.


Below is an Example of my most Recent Work… where I was Calling out the BYRD TRIBE, The MESSENGERS from the Past Life Mission Mystery School, of Antiquity. Mystery School Souls REMEMBER ourselves. OCCULT Means hidden – FROM the Uninitiated. There are Very Few ILLUMINATI Initiated Anointed ones on this planet. ‘Yer, Ill’umi’NAUGHTY are a dime a dozen. The Vampires (Fallen ones) now rule the school. See more of my Videos for Direct Teachings on Illuminated VS Illuminati. This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE, at it’s Finest. MUST SEE INTRO! REVOLUTION vs EVOLUTION + SpeedRacer #Mercury


JUST THE FACTS MA’AM: Condensed Version for Workaholics who have no time. 

Trigger Warning: This transmission  includes a Darshan Disco Shakti Pat from #SiriusB!

So Ask YOURSELF some hard questions. Who are My Hero’s and WHY? Do you Know them by their Fruits or their BANK ACCOUNT? Public Status? Symbolic Place in the world? I bet you will come up with some Interesting Answers.

KNOW THYSELF! Branding, ‘The Brand’, Branded.

UNBRANDED The Occult Priestess Korinne L. Wilson

Agent M.I.B.: Maiden in Black ~ aka Mercurial GRL.


In service to You. ALL/ONE. Drops Mic. ~

ANTHONY PEAK! (ARIES) Author/Researcher Chimes In! Sharing Complaints, we Speak OUT:




Anthony Peake – Author of Opening The Doors Of Perception


I also sent to this Our Mutual Friend:

Gemini Daniel Pinchbeck: Author of










All a Girl Ever Wants is a Pearl Knight!

“Sunshine Came softly, Through my Window Today…”

When Morpheus (sleeper) met Iris (awakener).


~ Light Body ~




Original Post: #Branded 4Life: IS Russell Brand my Polar Opposite? In magick, a Positive force, resonates with the negative force (gnosis, becomes one), then Just like Neo in an Agent, Cancels the negative Force out Completely, *BOOM*. What was once dark, has been Transmuted to Light. Ta Da! Magick 101. “The Russell Brand Delusion”, of Western Culture, seeking Messiahs. Russell Brand is the only celebrity of my generation who Took Yoga on Tour, like the Beatles did. In fact his similarities to John Lennon are comical (Faux John Revolution). The video showed Me, Behind the Veil, into EGO WORLD… I am an avatar, like they describe (Kore/Persephone) … this video shows the Flip Side, of what can go Wrong, when the Light Goes Out!




The Latest KOSMIC KORE (Kore Kosmou)

my chat show:


UPDATE: 12/7/2018

Russell Brand: Verified account TWITTER
“While dolling out unsolicited advice is a fine pursuit comedy is my religion.”

Occult Priestess Retweeted Russell Brand
“Not a #GURU, just a “comedian” ~ Exactly. Take Note Kids!!
#Materialist #Branded4Life ”

+ Styx : IF Styxhexenhammer666 has to WARN YOU about DARKNESS… It’s JUST TOO LATE. lol



A youtuber tweeted this:

Published on May 6, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019 – We seriously don’t remember Russell Brand looking like this … yeah, he was growing his hair out and wearing a man bun to yoga/meditation classes, but now he’s full-on wearing a too-tight scoop-neck tee, showing off his chest hair, the beard is large and in charge and he’s got a hipster cardigan on with hypebeast Nikes?! We spotted him at super-expensive #Maxfield and he appeared to be calling an Uber! He March 6 2012: Carpathian Mountains: #VanHelsing Suck-sess, Voldemort slane + a chick with an alpha name. Parading Around, his OWN head, was a #Marvel indeed #Vlad! Oceans/Devotion Minacan afford $1200 pants but not his own car?! #RussellBrand


Since Russell’s TRANCE-form-ation~ seems he has gone ‘Full KANYE“, from WolfManJaked to CrazyHoneyBadger.

Maybe the MIDDLE PATH would Help this One? 




Cry #WATERLOO Mina, ABBA will Win the Day! 


Well lets, show a Little Leg, Kitten… casa -blanca – Castle of Nothing


MAY 7th 2019 (#TillTuesday)







The Plan for a STAG, through an ‘Apparent’ #STAN  #Mary- SUE, for those Shoes!


I’m over everything you say and you do babe I’m over everything that we’ve been through I’m on a lifeboat, a lifeboat, this lifeboat is sinking I don’t know if we’re even pulling through babe. I’m overmedicated thanks to you (LOL)Save me, yeah This isn’t what it looks like, yeah This isn’t what I wanted, yeah I’m closing up but do you even care that I do? Throw up your hands, I’m celebrating (YESSliver (SURFER) of land, hallucinating. I’m going down, down, down, down, down, down, down, ooh
Shout out my name, I am the sunshine. Here comes the (Purple) rain, let’s have a good time I’m going down, down, down, down, down, down, down, ooh (OR COMING UP ALDOUX?I’m at the bottom of my wishing well 😦  But do you even care that I am?
We’re on a lifeboat, our lifeboat, this lifeboat is sinking  Si-si-sinking, si-sinking, sinking
Lifeboat, a lifeboat, yeah Save me, yeah This isn’t what it looks like, yeah

Well: THIS IS; AWE-thentic 100% Pure UnCut GODZILLA

Silver Surfer Combat Boots ~ Go Go GodZilla!


GOSSIP in the GREEN ROOM below Heaven… 

Daily Heaven GOssip.jpg

“Oh baby do U know what that’s Worth? Heaven is a Place on Earth” ~ That is so ‘Revolution’ 2000 and late.

She Don’t CARE what “IT’S WORTH!”

She’s Living Like it’s the LAST night on Earth…

Game: Score: #100BillionDollar Loser loses

OR 1.21 GODzilla Watts- U pick!




B.J. Anyone? (God is Hilarious)


Me Me Me all 3 of ME 

??????????CAN I GET A WITNESS????????

~ I Got Jehovah’s Witness Flavor cool-aid, Wilson’s Bloodline or Jimi Hendrix’s Lighthouse Saints ~ 


Dance Sukka



Serpo Zamling Dolma

THE “Orange Blue” of Karma Kagyu. #BluesHermeticClues


Image may contain: 1 person

Next Time: IF there Must Sirius B ~ 1 ~ (Time is Fake)

I GIFT U- My Puppet, my very own ‘Ziggy Twister Mister/Sister Rainbow Rocket’:

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