Pop Culture


WONDER-WOMAN-77-SPECIAL-the-one-true-Wonder-Woman (1)

Summer of the Super She’ro: Support for the goddess lifestyle

“The World will be Saved by the Western Woman.” Dalai Lama

Supermen dominate our pop culture in modern times, and all the way back to ancient Greece, men have constantly been  glorified as the saviors and warriors. Only one of our main planets in astrology is named after a female, Venus (Roman). It would seem that at some ancient point in history our consensual reality became subjugated by something sinister. Some call it patriarchy, others focus on the ruling nepotistic elite, and still others speak of an invasion of interdimensional negative entities claiming global dominion, secret organizations and titles such as ‘illuminati’, nephilim or archons. Slipping behind the dividing veil, the facade  between the worlds, we can see the truth of the imbalance that occurred long ago. In our lifetime we are experiencing the shift of balance and an intensification of duality, leading into atonement.

We each have a role to play in this grand dance, writing the book of love, the story of the human family. Our times are writhe with strife, we seek beacons to show us the way. Will you look to the skies for a savior? Or will you go to your mirror, peering into the portals of the soul for answers? In the epic of your current incarnation will you settle for being a mortal? Or is it your destiny to be a super she’ro?

Imbalances in Duality

 How did we come to this “imbalance” of dark and light, this secular duality that seeks to part rather than unite? I believe in looking for root causes, as Buddhism instructs. I once asked my spirit guide Hermes, “Why are the sexes at war?” and he told me, “It was to find out who loved who more.” Hermes is a deity representing the finer qualities of both genders and whose main teachings are alchemical. Alchemy is a psychospiritual  process mainly involving the anima/animus, sun/moon, masculine/feminine, seemingly opposing forces that mix with one another creating a third element, greater than the original two. Hermes described duality as a fabrication such as that of smoke and mirrors. He led me into his philosophy of the masculine and feminine aspects of our nature. I ended up with an addiction for Jungian psychology and a great affection for mythologist Joseph Campbell.

Through personal guidance and instruction of my spirit guide Hermes I have learned Earth has been a third dimension planet, in the training of souls. The gods (our parents) took on flesh like bodies to teach and guide humankind in the basics of life. Young souls incarnated here to begin their journey on the path to oneness through experience, karma and free will. Duality is the host of  fiction/friction, the karma (action) that grows our soul.  Each choice in which we exercise free will gets us closer to or further away from the truth of oneness.

“Only through toil in the soil can we cultivate the flower that is the soul.” Kore  (my higher self/Soul)

Falling into the limited five senses of duality consciousness, humankind took on the task of survival, and development through ego and free will. Those humans with preference towards right brain imaginative thinking are more creative, observant and mindful. The creative questions everything, including the nature of the self. Contemplation, meditation and communing are right brain activities. The left brain works well with facts based on logic, science, mathematics, tested methods, architecture, planning, safety, and self preservation. The masculine left side works in harmony with the feminine right. The balancing of the left and right hemispheres leads to enlightenment.

In our current overview of pop culture,  the left side tends to be dominant- the masculine patriarchal survival of the meanest, subjugate and have dominion over the weak, he with the most toys wins, warrior culture. (Not even Aries would condone this current state of affairs.)  The ego monsters of greed, lust, gluttony, blood sacrifice (war), domination, injustice and so on, are at biblical proportions. We are incarnated at this pivotal moment to engage in the balancing of masculine/feminine, left/right for the sake of all that lives.

The young soul’s purpose for reincarnation in duality is to build the divine light body (Solomon’s temple, the merkaba), that allows full awareness of self, the infinite and all points in between. A consciousness that is untethered, cosmic, Krishna, Christ, illuminated consciousness, Anointed, Enlightened.  Becoming a universal citizen in the deepest sense.

The Seed Myth of Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt the origin of civilization is illustrated through the story of Isis and Osiris. For many generations Isis and Osiris taught the ways of irrigation, farming and self care to the new souls. Something rarely mentioned is, Isis states Egyptian stewards of that time and vibration (rank) were from the star system Sirius.  These ancient parents are gods from another star system that is higher in vibration (consciousness/dimension) than Earth.

After generations of training it came time for the gods to leave, and for humankind to experience free will. During the high vibrational era of the gods, one is in such a state of bliss and love, free will is of little concern. The gods actually had to leave Earth’s vibrational field to allow free will to reign, and thus came the fall to flesh consciousness.

The Isis and Osiris story goes on to teach how Set (Seth) the brother of Osiris murdered him out of jealousy and want of power. Set tore his brother’s corpse into many pieces and scattered them throughout the kingdom, claiming himself as ruler and fulfilling the destiny of darkness coming to humankind.

Isis in her mourning gathered the dismembered pieces of her husband’s corpse, and with the help of Anubis (jackal of protection) resurrected Osiris in the underworld. This aspect of the story giving us the seeds of the enlightened man – one who passes through death and retains full cognizance of identity.

The later part of the myth speaks of how the son of Isis and Osiris, Horus, champions his father, destroying Set forever. Horus is known as the herald of the Golden Age, Age of Aquarius, or New Age. We can see many parts of this story as it reverberates throughout history in the form of the dying and resurrected god, from Jesus of Nazareth, to Holly king vs. Oak king mythologies, to Shakespeare, to Hollywood.


Veil of the Eternal Feminine

Having established a seed mythos of balance, fall from grace and atonement, we move onto the broader story of the sacred divine feminine.  Her archetypes are well known – each culture on Earth is saturated in its own way with the shadow of the feminine. The veiled woman is a most common archetype to be found throughout history. Hearkening back to Egypt, Isis was known to be veiled. The veil spoke of her mystery, her secrets and her knowing beyond mortal realms of consciousness. In the Tarot, traditionally the High Priestess (II) is depicted as wearing a veil, as well as acting guardian over a larger veil between worlds, a curtain of pomegranates behind her throne.

I, Isis, am all that has been, that is or shall be; no mortal Man hath ever me unveiled.” The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

I am the veiled Isis of the shadows of the sanctuary. I am she that moveth as a shadow behind the tides of death and birth. I am she that cometh forth by night, and no man seeth my face. I am older than time and forgotten of the gods. No man may look upon my face and live, for in the hour he parteth my veil, he dieth” The Sea Priestess by Dion Fortune

Veils occult our vision, and what is incarnation if not being divided from the truth of oneness? Either cultivated, or charmed with the gift of sight, visionaries have illuminated our imaginations with fancies from other realms, delighting and inviting us to break free from the mental bondage of mundane observance, into the emotionally tangible ethereal.

For the Priestess or spiritual visionary the veil serves as protection, a womb which envelops her light, obscuring her from dark entities and psychic attack. The priestess must lift her own veil from within to attain pure sight. To the uninitiated the veil is a mystery, an obscuration of and separation from god, and the non material realms.  A shadow is formed by fiction/friction and drama/trauma, covering and haunting the third eye (pineal gland), dreams, and the subconscious, with surreal frights of the egoic lower consciousness. So you see, one who can peek behind the veil between the worlds is very blessed indeed, for they have conquered the guardians of fear and peered unfettered into the infinite.

What’s The Buzz?

Coming into the present we see global unrest in a glorious myriad of forms, from natural disasters, to mega ghoulish elite dominion, geoengineering, mad science, world protests, chronic war, financial collapse, the love of power over the power of love (Thanks Jimi Hendrix). Capitalism, materialism, science based on five senses are all manifestations of this masculine/feminine imbalance, a.k.a. lower consciousness.

The Lament of Hermes:Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven ; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, all this they will mock, and even persuade themselves that it is false. No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.

The ancient Egyptians knew this time would come, and it would be the beginning of the shift, the time before the dawn. Another term often used is Golden Age. I prefer to see this “new age” of Aquarius as a graduation for humankind, having mastered free will, they are then magnetized in higher awareness, in alignment with the  higher will (divine will) and the all/one. An Intergalactic, multidimensional consciousness, matured  to understand the mysteries of the self and of the infinite.

With the Power of Isis, I will speak to your third eye.” Third Eye by Kellee Maize (female rapper)


Nightmares of Spiritual Warfare

Women are the future, holding big revelations.” Get on your Boots by U2

Spiritual warfare has been an interdimensional plague since humankind fell into duality and the limits of five senses. Everyday waking life of an average person is lived mostly in the perception of the third dimension. A veil or shadow has formed over their third eye making them psychicly unaware of alternate dimensions (third eye blind). The realm above the third dimension is where most people visit when they dream beyond the subconscious. The fourth dimension is the realm of Morpheus, god of dreams. Within this sector exists ghosts, ancestors, time replications, sleep paralysis, remote viewing,  alien abduction, demonic attack, nightmares, voices and distortions of all psychic manner. The haunted realm of the mental universe. The ‘dark consciousness’ that resides in duality finds its essence and origin in this realm.

“That’s the Lost Souls Room.”  Beetlejuice

The fourth dimension is located between the collective unconscious of humankind and the fifth dimension, a loving heaven like realm. Visionaries, mystics, shamans, prophets and avatars throughout history have written about a utopian afterworld. The fourth dimension is the twilight zone between Heaven and Earth.

Demons: From the fourth dimensional realm negative ancestors, hungry ghosts, demons and aliens work against the awakening of humankind. I label this energy ‘dark consciousness’. This backsliding, negative cycle of motion is found in the traits of astrological Saturn. Old father Saturn, eater of children, teaches ‘growth through restriction’.  In the Tarot both the Devil card (XV) and the Hierophant (V) express the importance of learning through obstacles, under dominion of an oppressive force.

Globally the distortion on the fourth dimension can be seen manifest as  hierarchy of the patriarchy, denial of the universal laws/natural order, and enslavement of the masses to serve the few. This is the Ego aggrandizement that the biblical Satan is accused of acting upon.  Claiming one’s own self as supreme over all others, including your soul’s architect. Once this belief in self eclipses belief in a higher power, the beast is born. The ego becomes the host of unclean thoughts, actions and feelings, dimming the light of the soul. Should this process continue, full ego mind is prone to possession from the spooky woo’s in the fourth dimension. Choosing the ego over unity leads to the ‘Satanic Death’ of loss of self identity.


We were plac’d here by the Universal Brotherhood & Mercy. With powers fitted to circumscribe this dark Satanic death. And that the Seven Eyes of God may have space for Redemption” William Blake

Daemons: “Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and deities, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the deities themselves.” Wikipedia

Originally from the Greek daemon is more commonly referred to as the higher self, holy guardian angel, over soul, Maslow’s self actualization, and the Buddha’s enlightenment.

The demonization of the daemon is most readily recognized in the rise of the Roman church. Priests became the dividers, the middlemen between humankind and divinity. Those who heard voices, had visions, created inventions, healed through nature, thought outside the accepted norm or prophesied were murdered en mass. The biggest ‘sinners’ usually had the most money to pay their way into heaven via the corrupt clergy.

Throughout our incarnations the proverbial angel on one shoulder and devil on the other has been true in a multidimensional sense. Free will gave us the experience to discern black from white, yin from yang and love from hate. Duality is the school of hard knocks.  Through my own experiences I found, the more I chose good, light, love over lower darker vibrations such as manipulation, I simply felt better and grew in self respect. The more you choose in one direction, the more likely you are to follow on that path. Individual, isolated, seemingly unrelated choices compound into lifestyle.

Higher Love; Defense against the Dark Arts

The Goddess leads us towards a relationship with our higher self …

As a teenager I pursued the calling of our Lady Isis, asking her to be my teacher and comforter. Isis led me through many books and inner remembrance of the magickal nature of my being. Through her guidance I began experimenting with the art of spell craft, calling in gifts and lessons to accelerate my path and enhance my journey. Having a two way communication with my god parents supported me in all aspects of  life.

When I was first counseled by our Lady Isis, I saw her as wearing a black veil. Thinking back, the earlier lessons I learned from her were hard on my ego, and made me question if she was a positive or destructive force in my life. I came to learn, the day she revealed her golden self to me, all goddesses are veiled to the uninitiated, and the harsher lessons break down the ego. We must be in a state of sacrifice or surrender to overcome our distorted views.  The sacrificial surrender of the Hanged Man (XII) and the innocent trust of the Fool (0).

Once in the full moons gleam as I lay in dream, came the lady to my chamber. So queenly was she I fell to my knee and bent my brow to her. ‘Oh no,’ said she ‘kneel not to me. Stand, arise, open your eyes. It is yourself you see, yourself you see in me.”

Come Witches to the  Dance by Lady Isadora

At age thirty my higher self introduced herself to me during the first in a series of paradigm shifting, ego busting, spontaneous kundalini activations. For eleven years I have been anchoring, integrating and activating my soul’s merit.

Have you been called by a divine mother?

Identify your personal she’ro’s, crossing over pantheons and ages. What female figures – fictional, mythical or archetypal mirror your best traits? Do you often collect art, writings or knickknacks that remind you of a certain historical time period, culture or lineage? Who may you have been in a past life? Investigate the symbols in your life, from your name origin, to astrology, to your numerology. This will reveal the story between you, the Goddess and your role in this lifetime. Through creativity, ritual, guided meditation, prayer or ecstatic dance, reach out to the Goddess of your hearts calling. Ask to be shown your destiny in this lifetime, and commit to living the higher will of unity.

“Joan of Arc, walks into my mirror. A burning sword, I’d like to cry. I look into her eyes, I see she’s seen the long days and nights.

Lionhearts (an early demo) by Kate Bush

The Way of the Super She’ro

“Women are the wave of the future, and sisterhood is stronger than anything!”

Wonder Woman

The best place to start is mindfulness, the NSA of the self, the observer. Once the observer is in place, you can hear your own thoughts, and actually start listening to yourself. This self observing practice informed me I was inwardly annoying, and needed to get a grip. With daily dedication to my higher calling, I established a foundation of self trust, upon which I built truth, integrity and self honesty. From fake to awe-thentic, a twist in the mind, a conversion of the heart towards love of the higher and compassionate care of the self.

Winning Everyone over and constantly saving the day? Generosity can be as unhealthy as non organic food. Self care is number one. Only after our needs are met, can we honestly care for the needs of others. There are those born with the role of savior. A spiritual savior is blessed with at-one-ment with the infinite, therefore great personal sacrifice is not stealing their vital energy.  If you are still struggling with emotional and egoic issues, placing your needs aside constantly in service to others is a form of denial of self, a non loving act of abandoning your identity.

The virtues of humankind are not often the focus of modern culture. Here I will reacquaint you with some solid principles. The Egyptian goddess of Justice (XI) , Ma’at has a key role in the afterlife. Your heart is weighed on the scale of Ma’at against the counterweight of a feather. Be your heart heavier than the feather, your soul would be reincarnated into a flesh body. If your heart was lighter than the feather, you passed through the gates of death to the immortal realms. So you see, being lighthearted is taken very seriously. The virtues of Ma’at include truth, balance, fairness, justice, order, higher law, beauty and morality. By practicing virtuousness over time your higher self will integrate with your personality.

Every she’ro has a battle to win, obstacles to overcome and victory to claim. To prepare for the dark night of the soul, and fall of the ego we must cultivate our spiritual weapons. Through knowing yourself, awe-thenticity will become your shield and integrity your armor. Truth is sometimes ugly, yet it is never as ugly as a lie. Self help such as the works of John Bradshaw, Pema Chodron and Melody Beattie will support you with the tools you need to heal your past trauma. My healing journey took me to the twelve step groups adult children of alcoholics and codependents anonymous. Group therapy offers a supportive way out of isolation. To see your story mirrored in the lives of others is a paradigm shifting experience. Reiki, crystals, herbs, salt baths and other alternative healing methods worked on clearing my subtle energy bodies (a must for all empaths).

Being actively and consistently true to the higher will of your soul (self dedicated) is known to cause chaos within our social circles. You may outgrow many relationships that no longer serve your highest good. Honor each change like a death of the false self, and handle your issues like a warrior. Do not seek counsel on personal matters until you have first addressed the goddess within and above. Just as we are the best interpreter of our own dreams, so do we have the ability to become the best counselors of the self. Treasure your true friendships for they will see you through the storm of change. The higher self and goddess will also guide you like beacons through confusion. You will become more aware of your body’s signals and dietary needs. Eating clean, especially organic fruit, will strengthen your aura and connection. Self compassion will bloom within your heart as a lifelong gift.



The Hero Games of Hieros Gamos

 Only after you have been grooming your ego can you begin to play the game of manifest union with your she’ro counterpart, the hero.  Recognizing the she’ro in yourself will sharpen your skills to identify and vibrate with the s/hero in others. You will come to learn the key to a hero’s heart, is his heart.

There are many of us here incarnated at this time of change from older soul groups. As Earth rises in vibration she is able to, once again sustain the vibrations necessary for us undercover angels to display our wings, talents and teachings. The Light Bearers, Keepers of the Flame, Vestal Virgins are all versions of light workers. Higher vibrational souls who volunteered to incarnate on Earth from the time of the seeding through to the awakening of humanity.

I came to Earth via the star portal of Sirius B. My first incarnations were in Egypt as an astrologer, oracle and priestess of Isis. From there my “twin” or hero partner, and I incarnated together in Greece to teach the mysteries of Kore/Persephone (my namesake in this lifetime as well). Many lives, and many missions later my twin hero and I are back. We are incarnate, among the mortals once more to remember our epic history together through all past lives in this dimension, to clear out karma and claim our merit through the practice of soul sovereignty. The second work of the Light Bearer is to be in service and dedication to our global family. Hieros Gamos from the Greek translates as “Holy Marriage”. The marriage of the twins, lovers for all eternity.

Living the Dream

On the other side of the dark night of the soul you will find you become the loving parent to yourself, that you always deserved. You will be attracting new relationships with the kind of people that support your soul’s mission in this life. Living from your soul means maintaining a communicative bridge through creative efforts such as journaling, meditation, and art. You will grow in your relationship and communication with the gods and your spiritual gifts. You will come to a new respect for having your needs met, gratefulness and grace will rise from within.

You were born a beloved of the divine, with a super she’ro body, endowed with everything you need to reach goddess potential in this lifetime. Honor your flesh with respect. Commune often with the creatrix of the cosmos. Know yourself so that you may shine like the Star (XVII) you are. We are here to assist Earth in giving birth to a higher frequency of consciousness, as we give birth to our truest selves. Make the free will choice to cultivate the super she’ro within. This is your birthright as a child of the divine. It is your special karma that you are reading this very information right now. Destiny is already knocking at your door. Will you answer the Call of the Super She’ro?

I wish you many revelations on your path to the true self. I hope my work has enhanced your view, triggered epiphanies and assisted in your gnosis.

Go in peace my daughter. And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.”  Queen Hippolyte of Themyscira


About The Occult Priestess Korinne Wilson: An Aquarius wood tiger, following the numerological life path of the Neptunian seven, circa 1974, from Sirius B. I am here to assist you in raising your game, your vibration, and your consciousness, to embody your truest self, your soul identity. I have been a professional psychic counselor for over twenty-two years, a Reiki master, High Priestess of Wicca, ordained minister and Buddhist initiate of Sri Mamua Devi (karma kagyu lineage). I have owned and operated two retail occult stores, focused on teaching and community building. I have been a guest on television news, internet and network radio shows, including Fox, Freeman Tv (conspiracy) and Mental Candy (fashion and mysteries). My latest effort is a documentary film entitled “The Nightmare” directed by Rodney Ascher on the subject of sleep paralysis and the shadow man. I am currently working on my first book entitled “Kore: A Maidens Journey from Darkness to Light”, self autobiographical. I maintain an educational youtube channel, wordpress blog, and facebook groups. I am available for private appointments and media inquiries upon request. OccultPriestess@gmail.com


For Egyptian research please see “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth”, ” Kore Kosmou “, “The Divine Pymander“, and “The Egyptian Book of the Dead”. For the light body, kundalini awakenings, and the evolution of humankind I refer you to the works of Pandit Gopi Krishna.


~ Fin ~


June 2015

UPDATED: AUGUST 7th 2017 @ 6PM Cali Tyme

Diana Prince: “It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love. Only love will truly save the world.”

“We have a saying, my people. Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it. (Wonder Woman, Vol. 3, No. 25)”

“Please take my hand. I give it to you as a gesture of friendship and love, and of faith freely given. I give you my hand and welcome you into my dream.” Wonder Woman



Russell’s Revolution: A Review ~ by Occult Priestess


Mercurial Gemini Messenger


Impressions: Reflections of the soft masculine, loving kindness energies, displayed by Yeshua, or Chenrezig. Passionate and Compassionate. Questioning, boundary pushing , a Mercurial Gemini Messenger. A Champion of consciousness, altruism, responsibility, authenticity. Touching, entertaining, and funny. Shades of a Beat Poet, Edgar Alan Poe, and William Blake. Deeply personal. A rebel yell for epic change. I took many days to listen to this book, the exposure of the sickness of our consciousness and its effects, requires a trigger warning. The book is far from hopeless, yet the current truth is very sad.

Personal Bias: I have tendencies to see the best in people. I read this book with discernment, but without judgment. I compassionately listened, with my rose colored glasses fixed firmly over my third eye. Many times I felt I was listening to the journal of a very close kindred, I was familiar with most of the subjects, people, concepts and pop culture references. I first saw Russell Brand, on Netflix ~ His NYC stand up. I noticed he had a statue of Ganesh on the stage, and set decoration that screamed India/Bollywood. As I heard him speak, I felt instantly drawn to his mind.

Main Points of the Revolution: Exposing the dark consciousness seething in our society, top-level corruption, Lining up the elites and bitch slapping, each one verbally. Pointing out, we collectively feel disaffected, tricked, and under dominion. Many accounts of the mind control of society/media, materialism / egoism / capitalism, and the glamour he fell for. I appreciate that Russell constantly mentions other teachers, such as Krishna, Joseph Campbell. Bill Hicks, Tej Kaur Khalsa, Maharishi, Rumi, and The 14th Dalai Lama. The overall or underlying theme is, the Raising of Consciousness.


“We’ve got more in common with the people we’re bombing than the people we are bombing for.”

 “Like Dracula on a Jugular, they kill the thing they feed upon.”

Russell Brand ~ Revolution

Pink Floyd: The Wall 


Class Strife / Park Life


While listening to “The Revolution” my thoughts often drifted to John Lennon, the Working Class Hero. I am a Psychic Channel, and I happen to be friends with John Lennon. I first became aware of John Lennon’s afterlife peace movement in 2007, through channeling. You can read the afterlife interview with John Lennon here…


“Now the workers have struck for fame, Cause Lennon’s on sale again” Life on Mars? David Bowie

“John really wanted to seem “human” and not lofty, not like an Emperor talking to the common people. Thus we got “Working Class Hero”. John approached his music from their (common people) point of view. He felt he was privileged to educate himself in politics and government – movements, where the “common people” had spent a lot of time working on survival and did not have time/energy/money to educate themselves on the larger workings of the world.” John Lennon (Channeled)




Russell Expresses: Drugs, the desire for; addiction, is a spiritual malady, at its root an impulse for union.


lawoccult2Slamming on Egoist Aleister Crowley? Priceless. Long Live Dion Fortune! “Act Like You Know shall be the whole of the law.” A play on Old Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law.” As Russell points out, there is a HIGHER WILL, a Divine will, the will Crowley had neglected.

Russell also shares the story behind this L.A. Yoga studio ‘walk out’. 



russell-brandRussell’s illumination:

Is Russell Illuminati? I have not read a flat out account of Russell Brands Apotheosis. Russell has spoken out many times, that he is Not Illuminati, however he was speaking of the Accusation that he is “Ill’umi’Naughty” , The ‘Naughty are elites, possible lizard alien invaders who rule us through Dominion on the physical and the ethereal planes. The ‘Naughty also control all media and the entertainment industry. For more on that subject check out BroStar Freeman Fly at http://www.FreemanTV.com .


If Russell Brand is not Illumined, he is well on his way. 

Original Illuminati: Sovereignty ~ Self Rule, Collective Respect.  

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen:


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Buddhism: “May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness”

For more on the “Illuminati”- The Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters, please read my blog “ILLUMINATI BLUES”  and check out the Enlightening links provided below.

The Illuminati Blues:




Ancient Mystical White Brotherhood by Frater Achad
Spiritual Name of Reverend George Graham Price






The Lament of Hermes, read by Graham Hancock 


Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven ; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, all this they will mock, and even persuade themselves that it is false. No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.”



Thank you Russell Brand, for a purposeful book and following your Mission Papers. Namaste ~ Occult Priestess Korinne 

Keeping Up with the Smiths

Agent: Maiden in Black, Code name; M.I.B.



Reporting strange gnosis at the Smith home, both Jaden and Willow have expressed spiritual alternative points of view with confidence and clarity. I feel hesitant to write about Children, yet the fact is, the MESSAGE and the MESSENGER are NOT ONE. However the Smiths are an Example of modern Pop Culture driving the Occult Agenda.

Illumin-?? I don’t know anymore More. Is Jaden having visions? Does he have tea with Charlie Sheen? Selling a product as Angelic Protection, and it’s Clothing… The voodoo that you do… God is Odd, after all. Riddle me this, Fiddle me that, how does that cat turn into a bat? ~ Paradox

As we can See – a Puff Piece done in the NYT’s “Culture” section on NOVEMBER 17, 2014

Entitled: “Jaden and Willow Smith on Prana Energy, Time and Why School is Overrated”


Hot off the Presses we Find

“Jaden Smith Says He is a Prophet and God Inspired his New Fashion Line 666” By “The Newstrend staff” January 5, 2015


Jaden Expresses: “God exists in all things that surround the fire that burns in the sky. She is responsible for all spontaneous ideas. In fact, 666 is not an evil number. This number is actually three part and represents the six angels that descended from the six Heavens, who are searching for the six prophets who are meant to lead the masses. Each prophet will be the exalted leader of that heaven. I have been chosen by one of those angels as one of those prophets. This line is not just clothing. Clothing is meant to cover, while 666 is meant to transform. To wear these clothes is to seek protection from the ills of the world and to pledge allegiance to my Heaven.”

What is the Essential Message we can Derive from the spoken words?

“I am a prophet” ~ This indicates he has visions, visitations, God speaks to him and through him. He feels inspired by a higher power.

God referred to as “She”~ number 666: She could be Referring to VENUS who’s Number is 6, Venus X 3 = 666. Given the Saturn like Grip of Chronos on the Feminine during the Piscean age, there is no Wonder the number 6 was pointed out as “Evil”. Oh and not just evil, but Uber Evil- times three! When I view Venus as Angel messenger to her tiny prophet Jaden, it makes me smile.

“Six Angels the Descend from the Six Heavens” ~ Upon googling this the first hit is “Nephilim: Wiki” – not a good sign, yet I press on. Oh Man why did it have to be Biblical Prophecy Jaden? This is not my favorite subject.

Worship neither throne, nor angel from the six heavens” ~ The Text Jaden Smith must have been referring too.


I read the Biblical Prophecies through a finely tuned Scanner Darkly Lens- I am one who sees beyond the veil and the matrix. Bible Prophecy is much easier to understand if you take a Hindu perspective on Cosmology, Ages of Mankind, and Krishna Consciousness. Seals then become chakras that Open after the Ego Collapses and the Kundalini snake moves her way up the Spine as Shakti Ma! Seeing the Higher Realms in the Christian perspective only, is confusing and honestly not the Grandiose Beauty of the Hindu. There is a lot of shame and confusion in the collective Christian consciousness and I find this “colors” their writing with lower energies.

If I was pressed for an opinion on Jaden, I would question his financial goals. GOD uses us in many ways- yet is it Rarely to Turn a profit, for a Prophet. Giving blindly to charities also does not work.

Eyeopen-Will Smith Hooked on Alchemy ~ 



May God guide Jaden to be Part of the Revolution/Solution rather than just another ‘Naughty non Illumined. 

Agent Smith

Agent Smith

Report in Progress

KORE: A Maidens Journey from Darkness to Light

KORE: Non fiction / Modern mythology Spirituality / Metaphysical / Self-help / Pop psychology

Cover Art

Cover Art

KORE is the modern Life Myth Journey of Occult Priestess Korinne Wilson. A true tale of haunting terror, prophecy and soul salvation, that is sure to change your paradigm. A life guided by spirit, and a girl terrorized by darkness. If you seek evidence that real life is magickal, that miracles occur, and gnosis of a Loving Higher Power who guides us all, read KORE.

Topics of Interest: Sleep Paralysis, Astral Projection, Childhood Religion, Family Patterns of Abuse, Ego development and socialization, “Spooky Girl”, Psychic Visions, In Depth *new* psychology and Personal Development, Healing and Championing the Inner Child, The Rise and Fall of the Ego, Following Psychic Dreams as Guidance, Past Life remembrance, Consciousness Exploration, Meditation, Kundalini Awakening, Buddhism and Sri Mamua Devi, Wicca, Jungian Psychology, Self-Help / Recovery, Western Medicine, Reiki Healing, Self Actualization, The Illuminati, The Hero’s Journey, Channeling, Enlightenment, Sacred Alchemical Marriage, The Greek God Hermes, The Greek Goddess Kore / Persephone.

KORE was Compiled from Personal Journals spanning over Twenty~Seven years, from 1988 to Present. (First Draft Completed in 2010)

Introduction: Particular magnificent energies align now in the heavens and on the earth. Science is rapidly breaking the code of the unknown, Astrologers await great alignments that have not taken place in thousands of years, mystics, occultists and wise ones everywhere wait with bated breath.

“Sit with elders of the gentle race. This world has seldom seen. Th’ talk of days for which they sit and wait. All will be revealed” Led Zeppelin: Kashmir

These “new” energies are from ancient times long since past and seemingly forgotten in our current reality. The old well from which we draw upon for our fiction, mythology and lore is resurfacing. The time of heroes is upon us again as a new golden age emerges. I propose the return of our Divine nature rising out of the darkness of ignorance, a new renaissance (resonance) of human evolution. God and Goddess energy as well as those from other dimensions of the “Old Path” are here now. The time of myth and magick is upon us. The Isis, The Merlin, The Christ, The Buddha that have been abandoned by society at large are also resurfacing. We as a species are the channel for these magnificent energies.

Our consciousness has the ability to create change in the land of form reality (third dimension) through our bodies. Awakened beings came to this particular incarnation with knowledge of their life path or mission. Many of us are healers, light workers, way showers, spiritual guides; the one thing that links us is our service to the greater good of our human family. Some postulate that the population is at an all time high due to this exciting rare shift in the consciousness of humanity. We wanted to reincarnate and take on human karma so that we could be an active physical part in this shift.

My higher self or “holy guardian angel” told me we incarnated because she wanted to “Get her hands in the dirt.” She was expressing a need to be active and physical, to play a role in the evolution. I have been told many things about who I am and what my path is by spiritual guides. Hermes (Whom you will meet in the book) my main spirit guide tells me I am an “Old Tune” (Soul) in a New World.

I am Kore a previous Goddess energy from ancient times past who chose to reincarnate on earth, at this particular time. I wrote my life script while in spirit form then incarnated into the mythology I had written for myself. Along the way I was guided by spirit, my higher self, visions, astrology, clues, certain books, and certain people. These “clues” were codes to help me remember to unlock the Divine being that I am, and my reasons for incarnation. Sages from all corners, the trumpets have blown, and we are called. Teachers, unlock your secrets, Hermits burn bright your lamps, reveal the truth for those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear”.

Now is the time to take the veil off of the occult. The word occult itself refers to “secret” or “hidden”. The time for humanity to claim its spiritual birthright is now. So that we may all truly “Know Thyself”. We must reveal the “occult” to ease the birth process of mass enlightenment. The sacred and hidden teachings from antiquity have been lost to the average person for centuries. Philosophy taught at our universities has degenerated into a system of arguing politics, not human evolution. Texts, books, art, knowledge from our magickal past have been successfully suppressed. That is until recently.

The popular book and movie “The Secret” was entirely based on the Emerald Tablet of the God Hermes Trismegistus, who is thought to be based on an even older God, Thoth of the Egyptian pantheon. This is one example of an exploding market of “spirituality”. As detailed in the movie “What the Bleep do we Know?!” science explores the quantum world, revealing that we have come closer to Prometheus’s ultimate fire, enlightenment.

As time speeds up, as we move into the Kore of the spiral, more and more among humanity will develop “eyes to see and ears to hear”. It’s our mission as teachers, guides, way showers and mystics to disseminate our knowledge. We have already begun, through the internet and many “consciousness conference” type of gatherings. If you search YouTube.com for information about the “manifestation of heaven on earth”, or “global shift”, or just about anything you can postulate on a spiritual level there are bound to be an abundance of videos revealing amazing truths. koreapple1

A Hymn to the Rhythm of the Rhyme, Yes It’s Time Awaken Watchers! Open the angels eyes with sweet lullabies Come Hermits from the forest and mountain Come all ye who seek the fountain Bring your light and love on high – as time keeps speeding by Mercurial blues, it’s all slipping into the future.

Make it known that you are here to educate. Students will manifest in your life promptly. This has been “The Call”.

~ Introduction Fin ~

Want to Publish KORE?  Inquiries OccultPriestess@gmail.com

Taming of the EGO

WILD Insight- Taming of the Shrew- Shakespeare : Spoiler Alert – At the end the Lady Shrew bends down in supplication to Liz-in-The-Taming-of-the-Shrew-elizabeth-taylor-4750493-1280-800her king, and makes the other women do likewise- Teaching that SHE had learned and become humble- she was already STRONG, but she was not humble- sometimes breaking oneself like a Horse is the only way to Tame the EGO- the EGO is the SHREW!
I was too caught up in the Gender Roles- to see through the mask of Ego- boy vs girl, War of the Sexes- Is merely to find out- “Who Loves Who More?” When the left and right hemispheres are in Balance- a Baby is born in the middle, my children, a Baby of Light- we call the Gateway, or the Third Eye. Here is to ALL/ONE!





The Illuminati Blues

Medicine-Buddha2I have answered a spiritual calling my entire life. Before age 30 my life was a constant search for myself, and a Higher Power I knew loved me. At age 30, I had a Kundalini Awakening and my entire perspective changed as my Ego collapsed. I learned many sacred secrets of the Universe during my Awakenings. One “Secret” I was told- is that I AM ILLUMINATI.

I had a vision come upon me, of a white dove in a blue and white sky- with a leaf in it’s beak. I then Heard “ILLUMINATI” in my mind. The Vision had a voice, and it spoke that word. It is not my intention to explain my visions here, but to express what I have learned about this Occulted word ~ “Illuminati” since hearing it from a Higher Power, as a Label for myself.

At first glance- Illuminati was the same as “Christed”- anointed, immortal spiritual soul. You will always exist, you will never experience the “second death”- you are beyond ego and blessed by Gods Love. “You” being your Soul.

Through Lifetimes of Reincarnation Humanity has Grown their Souls. When the “Harvest” comes you will either be a Flower, or an unborn seed. Growing our Souls builds for us a LIGHT BODY- or Rainbow Light Body- as mentioned in Buddhism. This Light Body, has something to do with the Merkaba- Ba – Ka- Egyptian words for SOUL. The Merkaba is seen as the Vehicle of your soul. When you Astral Project you are in your “Merkaba”. TO be beyond the Second Death- is to have a Light Body, Merkaba, and be Immortal in Soul. An Immortal soul has access to their Past Life Memories, communication and a “link” to Higher Divine Energies.

At Second Glance- I found “The Great White Lodge Of Ascended Masters”: A School and Gathering Place in the Higher Dimensional Realms- Populated by Great Spirits who teach Humankind from On High. They are the Messengers! Our Teachers if you happen to be a Light Worker. I have experienced many Visions of the “Astral College” ~ and even opened my own with Toulouse Le Trek from Paris (A Vision). I have met many Ascended masters whose consciousness gathers at this point. My most recent Teacher being Serapis Bey~ I had a vision of him dressing me in a white cloak, then later read he Stands for Purity and Protection of the Innocent. I have been a Buddhist for many years- My Guru Sri Mamua Devi taught me teachers can be MAGICKAL ~ Miraculous, and beyond time and space. Therefore coming across the Masters in a School upstairs was not contrary to my normal thinking.

(LINK : http://www.theascendedmasters.com/gwb.html )

At Third Glance- David Icke: The Illuminati Lizard Whistle Blower HImself came into my perception. He said all world leaders are related, they are Aliens, and they are trying to enslave and kill us. I was Freaked Out Because My Grandmothers Brother is Senator John  Glen- that put me in the Bloodline AND I was TOLD I was Illuminati! Being raised a Jehovah’s Witness (mind control) the Fear that YOU are EVIL is pounded into your Psyche at a very young age. So I was quite disturbed and stopped researching for a While.

Years Later I produced a Video Format ~ Art Work ~ That Expressed how I felt about

~ ILL’umi’Naughty VS ILLUMINATI ~

Now it Seems the ILL’umi’Naughty Cat is Outta the Bag… and that CAT cannot be put back in… The Signs of the Times Speak of Revolution, Evolution- Heck we are Living in a John Lennon Song! My Visions Speak of a Future where we are more Divine Beings- closer to God Source, who can Heal with Touch, and Create with Love… Like Yeshua (Jesus) said- You can do These Things, AND MORE…  in my Visions – we are Doing the “AND MORE” – we are One Human Family- and we are very Funny- Entertaining and Innovative! Pandit Gopi Krishna Predicted to Coming of the New Hue-Man (light body)- Brought About by KUNDALINI AWAKENINGS. A MASS ENLIGHTENMENT. This is What the Buddhists have been Planning for Since Before Buddha!

Here is ANOTHER Free Video Teaching on this Topic:

Prayers of the Bodhisattva:

“As long as space remains, As long as sentient beings remain, Until then, may I too remain, And dispel the miseries of the world.”

My Guru Sri Mamua Devi- told me a bit about enlightenment and asked me- Is this something you would want for yourself, or something you would want for everyone? I felt as if she was asking my Soul- but that didn’t matter to me, the Answer was the SAME – For ALL- of course for all! What’s the point if it’s just for me? What is the FUN of being Enlightened when others are suffering? – She was pleased with my passion.


So the Only way WE get to GO HOME- is if you Suckers Wake Up! (Jerks)

“Jerks” Also Control / OWN, the New Age, Disclosure, Alt ‘Spirituality’ and Metaphysical Communities. “It’s ONE BIG PSYOP, and YOU ARE IN IT.” ~ George Carlin (#RussellBrand)

Refuge and Bodhicitta

I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, until enlightenment is achieved. Through the merit I create by practicing generosity and the other perfections, May I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all That Lives.”

The Paranoia of the Conspiracy Theorist – Becomes the Pronoia of the one being Guided by Higher Source. Is there a Dark Consciousness out there Attacking the Light- with the Goal of complete control and Domination? Yes, I think so. Is there an All Powerful Force of Love that Created everything, that loves you beyond your imagination? Yes, I think so. So we come to the Secular Good and Evil of the Christian faith. I never enjoyed that Game! Finding Buddhism Free’d me from the Shackles of Good & Bad and showed me NIRVANA. Once you have Awakened- the Good vs Evil story gets OLD real quick. You want to Explore the universe, nature, yourself, and the Multidimensional Creation you Just Discovered,  not argue over Power Trips of the Ego.

SO there we have the Modern TAO of Society ~ Dystopia VS Nirvana

Dystopia: Transhumanism, Police State, New World Order, ILL’umi’Naughty (Entertainment/Media), Darwinism, Empirical Science, Pharmaducicals, Mind Control, GMO, Chemtrails, BioEngineering, Nuclear Power, War, objectification, Materialism, Oh and LOTS OF DEATH.

Nirvana: Heaven On Earth. “People All Over the World- Join Hands- Start a Love Train, Love Train” Peace, Beauty, Love and INNOCENCE. Morals, Golden Rule, Love Minded Brothers and Sisters of One Hue-man Family. Oh Baby! do U know what that is WORTH?

High time we made a stand!!And shook up the views of the common man! The love train rides from coast to coast- D.J.’s the man we love the most.
Could you be, could you be squeaky clean (Moral)? And smash any hope of democracy ? As the headline says you’re free to choose-There’s egg on your face and mud on your shoes… One of these days they’re gonna call it the BLUES (Siriusly) Yeah yeah! . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_5dE81WV8k

Chanting the Mantra peace on earth! We all been playing those mind (EGO) games forever- Some kinda DRUID dudes lifting the veil (of separation) Doing the mind guerrilla (Hanuman) Some call it magic (Mystic) the search for the grail (Holy Grail) LOVE Is the Answer- and you know that For Sure! ~ John Lennon


“The Divine Right of Kings can Kiss my ROYAL Ass” ~ Kore
“That’s why They call themselves “Royal”, they have Royalties on Everything.” ~ Kore
Join us in Reclaiming the Pride Word and correct use of ILLUMINATI – and rise up as Sovereigns. Challenge the “ILL’umi’Naughty”, with true ILLUMINATION. As they say, this is spiritual warfare. Use your Words, Express yourself.
The Illuminati : plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”, anointed, illumined, luminary, guru, prophet, teacher, guide, wayshower, starseed, psychic, healer, code breaker, systems buster, truther.
Share in your groups please ~
The Illuminati Master Movement Reclaiming our spiritual heritage.

I Reclaim all the Masonic symbols- for they are ours- The Illuminati. Translated from Egypt- the symbols carry the flame, as well as the essence of God. We reclaim that which was stolen and misused.

A picture of my Aura taken with Kirlian photography it’s SIRIUS blue


Messages from my Invisible Man:

God is my DJ!

Weeping like a fountain
Over the days that I’m not countin’
And all that’s lost is the baby face that I once knew

The music that I hear
Keeps dancing in my ear
The laughter’s so soft, I see a patch of blue and it’s you

Whoa, she’s just a queen style lover
And I know she’ll be under cover with me
Start up the count of the very first one
Dear Joy will come up the path under the sun
Butterfinger drippin’ onto my shoe
Dear Joy will come and take away all of these blues

But on the other side of town
Where she sleeps but she’s not around
She hears me call, she lifts her head and she cries

Dear Joy has respect, she has all respect
Dear Joy, it’s me and I’ll call you
She has everything that a love could bring
Dear Joy, it’s me and I’ll call you

Whoa, what is this summer’s day? (Whoa, what is this summer’s day?)
How could it be some fun? (How could it be some fun?)
And what if it’s rainy, baby?
Could I stay?

But on the other side of town
Where she sleeps but she’s not around
She hears me call, she lifts her head and she cries
Yeah, yeah

Oh, you’re just a king style lover
And I know you’ll be under cover with me
Start up the count of the very first one

Dear Joy will come up the path under the sun
Butterfinger drippin’ onto my shoe
Dear Joy will come and take away all of these blues

Channeled By: Jim Pitman


Anon puts the Smack Down- On the Music Industry ~ “Anonymous, never a group to quietly go about their business, tweeted a series of messages at Iggy. They deemed her “guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner’s death” and threatened to leak screenshots from her rumored sex tape, among other things, to wreck Iggy’s public image. Anonymous is demanding an apology, or else. ”


“I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley- To do black music so -Selfishly- And used it to get myself wealthy ” EMINEM


UPDATE: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/anonymous-versus-iggy-azalea

“If any of the media outlets covering this farce looked a little deeper, they’d realize @TheAnonMessage was, to put it mildly, full of shit. It’s now been a week since the original threats were made and they have yet to come to fruition. The young man that ran the now-suspended @TheAnonMessage Twitter account tweeted angrily at a pop star (and MTV), like thousands of other people online, and the media ate it all up as if it was an actual real thing because it’s an easy story to sell. “

Madonna’s Illuminati ?

Madonna / ILL’Umi’Naughty or Illuminati?

A Material Girl or a Spiritual Woman?

Madonna’s ILLUMINATI Song ~ Fits some of what I express in my ILLUMINATI Video- I have had many Visions starring Madonna- and she seems “In the Know” even if she still has personal emotional issues to heal. I was told through Psychic Transmission during my Kundalini Awakening that I am “Illuminati” ~ meaning my Astral School is the Great White Lodge Of Ascended Masters. I was an Oracle / Astrologer in Ancient Egypt, and a Priestess in most of my past lives. Illuminati, Anointed, In Service to Others, Bodhisattva – There are MANY of us who have Awakened to these Memories and Truths within ourselves. I know because we are FB friends. We share our visions and gnosis with one another. Collectively We Feel or have Seen, Humankind is going through a Shift, with Gaia, to a Higher Vibrational Frequency- which means Less Duality, Less Conflict ~ The Aquarian Age of Enlightenment. This “Enlightenment” has a long history of predictions- Including some wonderful Rock and Roll from the 1960’s & 1970’s. I Hope Madonna is Sincere – A Recovering Material Girl – yet my Conspiracy Friends pretty much say all Hollyweird is corrupt… and they have the videos to prove it.
Do you think Madonna is a Mind Controlled Monarch Queen Hybrid? Or is she an Artist with integrity sharing Her Visions of the Future?

New Conspiracy Song by the Lady Herself ~ Conspiracy Theorist Weighs In ~ What Do you Think? (the claims of either Madonna or Conspiracy theorist do not necessarily fit the views of God is your DJ Facebook Group)


The SONG ~ mind control warning – Just in case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcNtrtcSnsM

ILL’umi’Naughty VS the ILLUMINATED ~ my opinion ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZJR5MKVUxw

I wrote after watching David Icke and others on youtube, Years AGO!


Illuminati aliens r gonna git you.
They’ve teamed up with hulu to turn your brains to goo.

Have you bought into the financial crisis?
It’s the latest scam-a
Get your t.v. converter box checked for a surveillance camera.
oh no watch out- oh no watch out
Illuminati aliens r gonna git you

abducted theorists
the masons built our constitution
to jail us in mass delusion
wake up- and they put you in an institution

metal strips in money that make you want to buy
subliminal messages coming at you from the sky

eye in the triangle
the pentagon is shaped like a pentagram
Wake up the sheep from their bourgeois sleep.

Occult Priestess Korinne


“I think there are some people who don’t mind being referred to as that, but I know who the real Illuminati are, and where that word came from. The root of the word is “illuminate”, and that means “The enlightened ones”, and it came from the Age of Enlightenment, when a lot of arts and creativity flourished, from Shakespeare to Isaac Newton, to Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo: the philosophers, artists, scientists were all engaged in a kindof high level of consciousness through their work, and they were enlightening and inspiring people around the world. And those are the true Illuminati. So the purpose for writing that song was really in a way, ‘So, if you think I’m the Illuminati, then thank you very much, a compliment, because I would like very much to be part of that group, the real Illuminati, and this is what it’s not’” Madonna ~ Maybe she is one of us? But Blue and White are Colors of an Initiate! Keep your place woman



Jennifer Schwartz : I think the meaning of words change. Madonnas is right – the word illuminati did refer to a group in search of enlightenment and bliss many years ago. This group employed magical techniques to achieve some results and in some cases these techniques got bastardized and used for another end – personal greed and power. There is a group of illuminati currently that use black magic to make music, movies, money and laws that are aimed to elevate themselves and keep us down. Madonnas obviously knows what she’s talking about but I think she’s full of it. Her music is full of satanic black magic cult bs and this song is no exception. Notice how it’s a super shitty song?? Obviously this is a hot topic with me. Because I’m a super powerful witch. These vibes and magic do not float by be unnoticed. (Blogger @ http://starchildbos.blogspot.com/ )

Steve Miller: I just tried to listen to her song and its no good, full on bad juju. All my warning bells went off. It came to me today what is happening, the satanists are trying to normalize themselves into society. This is their goal. Tread carefully!!

Matt Uhlig said: “The Illuminati isn’t real. Even if it were, they’d probably be cool. Hey, look! A dance party!” Thx Madonna… You know it’s seriously getting out of their control when they start pulling a “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” act. They’ve been using some really blatant illuminati themes in kids’ video games for a while now leading them into thinking it’s fictitious or a joke. MTV is reinforcing a longtime running “joke” to them. A lot of young people are now getting shown the word “illuminati” being mentioned trivially everywhere all the time so that their first impression of it is it’s not really a secret, so they don’t bother to investigate it. The subject is made into a joke in their lives as early as possible so that they can be ridiculed for talking about it in a serious manner right from the get go, and be rounded up back into the herd.

Korinne Wilson TO MATT:   Great Points! I have a bit more insight from Visions! I never told anyone much about this- But GOD Told me GOD IS THE GOD OF ALL SYMBOLS- thus God has power over these symbols- and can “ANIMATE” them with Love- power and healing. THe All Seeing EYE of Providence IS GOD- So I try not to worry too Much!!

The Love Pro-Fusion


~ FIN ~

Singularity vs zero point

“Singularity” is the Transhumanist Hijacking of “Zero Point”
Everything is stolen and Inverted- I thought I was over this issue. I went through this same emotional trauma when I was a Baby Witch and found out what the “Church” did to my ancestors. But this is in Real Time, now- Dark Consciousness rules the material world- and is the Plagiarizer, Copy Cat, Thief. The concepts of “The Occult” (Hidden) have been secret because they Kill Us! Yet The Times we are in – The Occult is being Exposed- AND Right on those Heels- the Dark Consciousness is making every effort to Call the Awakening It’s Own.


Re-Blogged ReCount of Freeman Show 12/6/2014 by Chad Warren



 What if FairyTales are true and the news is fantasy?

This is from Bashar’s “Riding the 2012 Wave “, for this and more visit: http://www.bashar.org/

The following are show notes I have taken with my words thrown in as well.

This is the December 6th, 2014 broadcast of the Free Zone Live at:

“Trauma-based mind control is very real. MKULTRA and Monarch programming happened. Let the victims speak out. Having experienced over twenty years as a professional psychic, Korinne Wilson seems to be privy to knowledge beyond being a good counselor. She developed knowledge to heal, guide and love. She is convinced that the doctors of tomorrow may be the “psychic” gurus of today. Occult Priestess Youtube The Occultist in the Corner – See more at: http://freemantv.com/listen/the-free-zone-live/#sthash.JQCPI8y8.dpuf ” – Freeman Fly

Freeman mentions that he had a breakdown after researching mind control on the celebrities like Anna Nicole Smith.

He said his roommate came in his room and he was glassy eyed and sad and his roommate choose to move out in reaction to that energy.

Freeman discusses his friendship with Satanist Rex Diabolis Church.

Korrinne Wilson asks if Rex was ever himself or since he was raised by Church of Satan members was he always possessed by Satan.

Freeman talks about how Rex is one of the nicest people he has met and how he has started his own church called the Chaos Imperium.

He is building a Ragnarok engine to bring interdimensional beings to attack the NWO.

Korinne takes the info she was just given that Rex is an artist who enjoys Geiger’s work and she talks about how in art and magic you understand that thoughts are as real as anything.

Freeman sticks up for Brittney Spears and the others like Timerlake and Feldman and the rest who are brought up in the Hollywood Babylon/CIA programming way as people like Mark Dice pretend to be Christian but talk awful down about celebrities instead of hoping truth can be allowed to change one’s behavior.

Britney tried to break free by cutting her hair.

Korinne mentions the warrior in people coming alive in even Charlie Sheen.

I happen to agree. As drug fueled as he may be he is still in touch with what few people know today and that is indomitable spirit and understanding he is beyond human judgement as we all are.

He knows he’s awake and will not accept a lower position just because he’s got issues like the rest of us.

Same was true of Phillip K. Dick who wrote Blade Runner – he was both a heroin addict and gnostic medium.

Freeman rightfully pokes fun at Gary Busey’s madness on display.

Robin Williams death is mentioned. He asks if Korinne thinks its weird that Williams’ death via auto-erotic asphyxiation was forecast by an ’09 movie, World’s Greatest Dad, he starred in that Bobcat Goldthwait directed where Williams’ character’s son killed himself this way.

Freeman focused on this topic here:  http://freemantv.com/robin-williams-illuminati-murder-suicide/

Korinne mentions growing up with her Mom cutting hair and being around Hollywood gossip magazines and this set this idea in her that the stars were gods from Mt. Olympus.

She goes by the title – Psychic Counselor.

Freeman asks what she thinks of Edgar Cayce. About how his goal was to heal the sick but he found info about Atlantis; so, he asks what she has found via her searching.

She got into this to be healthy herself and help others.

Her trauma that most healers develop from are physical abuse and 16 years of sleep paralysis due to a shadow man that bothered her in sleep about 3x a week.

She mentions that she read people via the Tarot for $5 and that its her understanding that one must also run their life by this channeled info to be legit.

She asked for confirmation on her readings from the Tarot and was told she was correct over and over so she read for her friends.

Freeman mentions his understanding of how reading taps the human psyche via the archetypes portrayed in the cards.

She got into Wicca when she was 16 and that is how she found Carl Jung whom she calls her savior.

She thinks the shadow man was an entity trying to possess her.

At age 30 she had a Kundalini awakening and then she found David Icke.

Some people can’t handle his theories and so ridicule him.

Freeman shows how David helped open the mind to the possibilities based on known understanding – he opened the way to this dark story land.

Korrinne mentions how difficult this 10 year spiritual awakening has been.

How do we change our idea of goodness? She couldn’t believe in evil until she considered David Icke’s information.

Erin Green Hicks story as a super-soldier Rothschild and Laura Eisenhower via Project Camelot were gentle bringing her into this dark info because to know it is traumatizing in itself.

Laura Eisenhower Star Knowledge Loveland

Freeman identifies Hollywood as a mental virus that has taken over the people.

Korrine mentions going to the Social Security Administration building and talking to an agent and the guy put up the 3 fingers like in the film.

I too have noticed that people in the machine surprisingly seem to know about the dark side of it all.

Korrine mentions that she doesn’t usually broadcast it on radio but that she has been admitted 14 times to the psych ward in the past 10 years for undergoing a spiritual awakening she describes as a wakening dream of a visionary that is not as rare as one might think.

She considers that it is dark consciousness and that what troubles people are spirits that feed off our fear.

This topic brings to mind the book, Dispelling Wetiko by Paul Levy.

It has touched and fortified me for the path ahead when everyone realizes the shields are down and we are in the world of ideas now.

She believes life is spiritual warfare. I concur.

Sean Blackwell and his discussion on YouTube – “Am I Bipolar or Waking Up: An Interview with Sean Blackwell” is mentioned.

A movie is coming out called Crazy Lives about how Westerners are having Kundalini awakenings and being mis-diagnosed as bi-polar and schizophrenic. (If you can point me to info about this please let me know so I can post it, thanks)

Eye contact is soul contact is part of the love that these people awakening need along with the rest of us because we are awakening in a nightmare.

She felt guided the whole time of her trance even when she went through the valley of the shadow of death.

Freeman mentions how because we don’t address our issues a waterfall of emotion erupts.

These media events like Ferguson use riots as an unsafe way to deal with this – similar to how drug abuse occurs as a false path because of misuse.

People are not prepared for true liberty and so we have the riot stupidity fear response.

Korinne believes people are having past life flashbacks.

Freeman believes the veil is beomming much thinner between fantasy and reality.

Korinne mentions the ego being unleashed in a riot as a connection to what Joseph Campbell discussed about how we’ve had all the tribal rites of passage into understanding life and our place in it have been removed.

Yes, they have and turned into school spirit and bunch of other corporate illusion pollution.

She remembers asking M’at to speak truth and wore a tongue piercing for 11 years and she appreciated that experience.

Freeman asks what she thinks about parents letting their 11 year old daughters go watch Miley Cyrus’ Bangers tour where she rides a fake penis?

She’s speechless understandably.

5th graders are taught about anal sex and strap on methods in school.

Lady GaGa blood rituals.

When the feminine is demonized with the Lilith character then the male dominates via the 6% that own the media, Korinne shares.

What if it is inter-dimensional aliens that run the world because this is not normal human nature.

She doesn’t like how we say, “anti-Illuminati”.

The Rolling Stones lyric, “confusing you is the nature of my game.” is mentioned.

Ignorance is not a bad word, Freeman reminds us. In popular culture to not know is to be wrong which squashes curiosity.

Our inner child is our greatest strength, Freeman mentions and asks how she kept this alive despite all the psych ward bullying.

She mentions the education about her family patterns in her twenties so she was prepared psychologically but not emotionally.

Freeman focuses on our life experience being our best teacher as we seek solutions to the control grid.

Knowing Thyself is the key to the kingdom.

Be gentle with yourself Korinne suggests we don’t treat ourselves like machines.

John Bradshaw is mentioned as a resource.

On her website she teaches how to get to your fairy level – I assume one’s entrance to the real Magic Kingdom.

We are conditioned to attack then enemy than to defeat the false self.

We must share this with others to link up and if you’re not in a strong place don’t hurt yourself trying to help others.

She’s never had a dark vision of the future.

We must have a belief in a higher power to really play in life.

Freeman mentions being lost down a lonely street and a piece of paper bumping his foot saying, “I love you.”

They discuss their love of Bashar.

Life is a Fairtale: http://youtu.be/n6TbIq0Rm1E?list=PLGDIGGpT8lv-guLXAtCiCsGdUNyZ0VT4x

Human spirit is strong, Freeman says. We create beauty through empathy.

Freeman says he’s never hated humans because of our Godlike status as co-creators.

Freeman thinks it will be so much simpler to live as the challenge we are ready for approaches.

Nomads start religions in Freeman’s view because they are separated from the bull and connected to God directly so its not faith, its how nature works.

The fall of the ego is a beautiful thing that one must go through as part of the Awakening.